We exist to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Cornerstone Bible Church! We are a local church in Westfield, Indiana committed to the gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus soon.

Sunday Services: 9:00 A.M. & 10:45 A.M.

A scheduled livestream is provided during our first service both here and on our Facebook page.

Have children? Throughout the school year during each service, classes are available for children 5th grade and younger. Our middle and high schoolers also meet for worship and a time in God's Word during second service.

We also offer adult bible studies on Sunday morning. More information about the current classes can be found on our Equipping ministry page.

We exist to glorify God by making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Cornerstone Bible Church! We are a local church in Westfield, Indiana committed to the gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ. We look forward to welcoming you to our campus soon.

Sunday Services: 9:00 A.M. & 10:45 A.M.

A scheduled livestream is provided during our first service both here and on our Facebook page.

Have children? Throughout the school year during each service, classes are available for children 5th grade and younger. Our middle and high schoolers also meet for worship and a time in God's Word during second service.

We also offer adult bible studies on Sunday morning. More information about the current classes can be found on our Equipping ministry page.

Steadfast Class

Beginning March 2nd, Blake Gillen will teach an 8-week class on the book of Colossians: Living in Christ for the Glory of God. This class will meet on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM in the Middle School Room.

Women’s Spring Conference

Walking in Wisdom – a wise woman ponders the path of her feet.

Save the date for Cornerstone’s upcoming Women’s Conference this spring on March 21, 6-9PM & March 22, 8:30AM-2PM. Our speaker Andrea Kolstad will be speaking from Proverbs on Walking in Wisdom. 

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Cornerstone Bible Conference

Our Cornerstone Bible Conference is scheduled for Saturday, February 22nd, from 4pm to 6:30pm. Our theme this year is “Our Big God: He’s Bigger and Better than you Think!” Daniel Gillespie will be our guest speaker for the evening. Click the Register link below for more details on the conference schedule!

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Our 2023-2024 Calendar.