There are some things in life that are important to know for sure. At the top of the list is assurance of salvation. Words we read repeatedly in 1 John are “and we know.” John writes with absolute certainty about who Jesus is and what it really means to know Him as your personal Lord and Savior. If you want to settle the question of eternal life or you want to be equipped to help others who struggle in this area, please consider coming to this study.
Questions? If you have any questions about this study please email Blake at
Listen Past recordings are available here.
Beginning January 5th, Ryan Swedberg will be teaching an 8-week class (Jan 5 – Feb 23) on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the MS Room called “Christology: Who Jesus is and What Jesus Did.” This class will cover what the Bible teaches about the person & work of Christ. By the conclusion of the class, attendees should have a working knowledge of what the Bible teaches regarding Christ’s deity, humanity, earthly ministry, atonement, miracles and also how to refute heretical attacks against Christ.
Equipping The Saints is a Tuesday night class led by Gary Meeks that follows the Warriors 2024-2025 schedule (Sep 3 – March 25) that will equip every believer to better apply the Word of God to their own heart first and then faithfully minister to others biblically. This class meets from 6:40-7:40 p.m. each Tuesday evening in the 750 building.
Beginning January 5th, Blake Gillen will teach an 8-week class on Loving Jesus More. This class will meet on Sunday mornings at 10:45AM in the Middle School Room.