Mulch for Missions

About Mulch for Missions

For nearly a decade, Mulch for Missions (M4M) has sold, delivered, and spread mulch in Westfield and Carmel with the help of many volunteers. During this time, M4M has raised funds to help send teams to Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, Uganda, Kenya, Spain, and Miami to support and encourage our missionary partners as needs arise.


Covid impacted our ability to travel prior to 2023, however, we are very excited to be sending teams to Spain, Miami, and Uganda in 2024.


In 2025, we plan to cap our capacity for spreading at 400 cubic yards of spreading over 4 weeks. Mulch for Missions is a 100% volunteer work force and balancing serving our customers and spring activities continues to be our biggest challenge. As many of you probably know, we have sold out our capacity in less than one day the last several years. We will continue to offer delivery-only orders in addition to spreading services to help serve as many customers as possible.


We are greatly blessed by the continued support of both our loyal customers and many volunteers!

Our Schedule & Pricing

Our Cost

We try diligently to keep our costs as affordable as possible. There were no changes to our mulch prices this year.

We’ll begin taking orders on Monday, March 25, 2025.


We began our annual pansy sale in 2020 when the pandemic led to a cancelled order of one our member’s business. This generous offer to see if we could sell these beautiful pansies proved to be a much-needed source of joy for many during a very dark time.

You’re Invited!

We hope you will come out on March 22-23 from noon – 6:00 pm for our 4th annual Pansy Sale! We will have more than 300 large pots these beautiful flowers in a variety of colors. Minimum donation of $22/ 16” pot.

Our Missionaries


Cornerstone Bible Church supports the Hurley Family annd Sufficiency of Scripture (SOS) Ministries. SOS is a unique 501(c)(3) faith-based organization, dramatically impacting the precious people of Uganda through sound Biblical teaching and training in God’s Word, and through sacrificially demonstrating Christ’s love. Founded by missionary and preacher Shannon Hurley in 2002, SOS is headquartered in Uganda’s impoverished Luweero District, operating out of Kubamitwe village. The SOS Board of Directors, senior leadership and staff are composed almost entirely of Uganda nationals.


Grace Church Miami
Eric Bancroft moved to Miami in 2018 after much prayer and consultation to start a church in an area with a limited Evangelical presence and a wide range of ethnic background. Grace Church Miami launched in January of 2019. Eric previously pastored at Castleview Bible Church in Castleton.
Faith Church Miami
Faith Church Miami was launched in early 2023 as an offshoot of CBC-supported Grace Church Miami. This church plant is pastored by Trevor Doles and seeks to reach people with the gospel in the northern Miami area.


After graduating from TMS in 2004, David Robles returned to his home country to serve as teaching pastor at Iglesia Evangelica De Leon. The Ministry represents perhaps the strongest Evangelical infuence in Spain and includes a growing church and Berea Seminary for training pastors in Expositional preaching throughout Spain and Portugal.


Kirby Myers is the Campus Director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes at West Virginia University where he focuses on Evangelism and Discipleship among the students. He previously served in the same role at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD and as pastor of the Bible Church of Brownsburg.


Mulch for Missions is not possible without many volunteers. We are fully staffed by volunteers and have opportunities for anyone willing to share their special talents or are just willing to lend a helping hand where needed. Our volunteer needs are listed below!

  • Need drivers who can back a trailer into a driveway
  • Need trucks able to pull a trailer with up to 10 yards of mulch
Team Leads
  • 1 for every Thursday, 2 for every Friday, and 2-3 for every Saturday
  • Communciate with scheduler for assignments
  • Confirm and follow spreading instructions from customer
  • Need truck or trailer for hauling spreading tools
  • 1 team of 10-15 on Thursday (5:30-8:00PM)
  • 2 teams of 10-15 on Friday (5:30-8:00PM)
  • 2-3 teams of 10-15 on Saturday (9:00AM-1:00PM)